World-Class Online Writing Courses

Developing Aspiring Writers

Make your dreams of becoming a best-selling author a reality as you begin the next chapter of your writing career with Write Academy.

Join 160,000+ aspiring writers worldwide.

As any successful author knows, writing fiction is all about invoking powerful emotional experiences within your reader and connecting with them on a psychological level.

To do this, you need to master several key facets of fiction such as: character, plot, setting, dialogue, narrative voice, and genre. We cover them all and much more in Write Academy’s courses. You will learn how to write gripping scenes, add suspense to your writing, craft attention-grabbing titles for your work and uncover marketing techniques that sell books.

We’ll walk you through theme, symbolism, realistic dialogue, point-of-view, and re-drafting, as well as giving you heaps of actionable ideas and indispensable tips for creating exciting fiction that keeps readers gripped.

Write for Children

Inspire the next generation as you uncover the secrets to writing and publishing successful children’s stories.

Write Fiction Books

Discover the time-tested secrets best-selling authors use to craft powerful, captivating published fiction.

Write Romance Fiction

Supercharge your emotions with the know-how and spice you need to take your fiction from flat to fabulous in any genre.

Sharpen your skills

Create incredible stories

We’ll walk you through theme, symbolism, realistic dialogue, point-of-view, and re-drafting, as well as giving you heaps of actionable ideas and indispensable tips for creating exciting fiction that keeps readers gripped.

We’ve handpicked perfect fitting examples of best-selling authors’ work to show you how the professionals create cliffhangers, structure their writing, add specific techniques to create atmosphere and suspense, form shock endings and use euphonic words to create the reaction you desire from your readers.

The Write Academy courses teach you the very basics as well as the intermediate and advanced skills of writing exciting fiction in a simple, easy-to-understand manner that will not overwhelm your learning experience.

Connect with

A legion of Credible Authors

Writing can be a lonely existence, but starting today you won’t have to do this alone anymore! We’re building the world’s largest community of aspiring children’s writers and you’re invited to join us.

Write Short Stories for Children

Unlock a magical world full of fairy tales, fables, myths and so much more.

Write Poetry Course

From light-hearted Limericks to contemplative Haikus, to Performance poetry, Free Verse, Fixed Verse, through to the hottest Instapoetry… you’re about to discover the secrets to becoming a skilled and confident poet!

Write Young Adult Fiction

Begin your journey inside the electrifying world of teenage fiction as you create gritty stories that will empower young adult readers.

Learn how to

Craft Best-selling Stories

If you’ve always wanted to write a story but have struggled to get started… here’s hope!

Bring your characters to life

The simple but effective touches to bring a character to vivid life – and why you should watch your local newsstand very carefully indeed!

Secrets of the bestsellers

Why do some children’s stories sell millions and others barely cover costs? The answer may surprise you.

Story ideas

A simple yet dynamic technique you can use to generate more story ideas than you’ll ever have time to use. You never need to be short of ideas again.

Dealing with publishers

How to deal with publishers. Everything you need to know to ensure you get the best possible deal and don’t get ripped-off.

Work like a professional

The way to approach your work with professionalism and how this will mark you out from the amateurs in the eyes of publishers.

Common traps

The 12 most common traps writers fall into and detailed advice on how to steer safely clear of them.


What our students say

Below, you can read a small selection of comments, testimonials and reviews that our students have written about this course (verified by TrustPilot™ and ReviewTrust™). Please also take a moment to read some independent reviews here and here, along with these Student Success Stories.

“The feedback has been wonderful. I am receiving messages from people on my Instagram telling me they bought my book and their child loves it. Even a therapeutic coach bought one for a girl she was working with! It’s so amazing seeing young children holding my book and knowing they have enjoyed it.”

Abigail Groves

Author of Abigail’s World

“What an amazing feeling to hold my first published book in my hands!

There is no way I would have made it this far without the industry knowledge and writing tips I learned in the ‘Write Storybooks for Children’ course.

I am so grateful for this experience!”

Kimberly Waltman

Author of 'Bright or Blue'

“Write Story Books For Children was a huge help and inspiration when I first started writing.

I thought the course was so well constructed and so easy to take in. I had done some writing courses prior to this one and they left me feeling a little deflated. None were as informative or as easy to digest as this one.

This course was surprising. It was beautifully designed, simple just very well put together. It was insightful and to-the-point, no jargon, honestly-written, and above all, very, very helpful! I went back to the course modules several times over the years as a source of support.”

Johanna Handley

Author of 'The Burning of Juniper Slaide'


Imposter Syndrome: From (feeling like a) Fraud to (feeling) Fierce